Monday, 18 October 2010

Post-Feminism & Popular Culture: Sex and the City

Sex and the City 2 Trailer

Sex and the city is a great example of how ‘girl power’ is taking over and women in today’s generation are more capable of earning their own living rather than relying on men. The film shows how women are able to take on a more dominant role and that they are able to face the challenges of life, without out needing a man. the text above normalises post-feminism gender anxieties, to re-regulate young women by allowing them make personal choices and freedom but this can often backfire. Sex and the city's gives out a positive representation of women in which they convey women to have more power and control over their own life and the choices they make without any influence of a male presents.

"The new young women are confident enough to declare their anxieties about possible failure in regard to finding a husband, they avoid any aggressive or overtly traditional men, and they brazenly enjoy their sexuality, without fear of the sexual double standard".

"...capable of earning their own living, and the degree of suffering or shame they anticipate in the absence of finding a husband is countered by sexual self-confidence. Being without a husband does not mean they will go without men".

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