Monday 7 February 2011

Case Study...#1

The Impact of New and Digital Media Case Study:

1. Has new and digital media had an impact upon ownership and control of the media institutions involved in your case study? Explain in detail any impact and what exactly has changed.

Social networking sites have change the way people communicate and interact, through the use of new and digital media.Social networking has become a community of its own online,with thousands joining social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter everyday, which has developed dramatically over the last 5-10 years.As a result the growing cutler of social networking has had a great impact on other institutions such print,newspaper and adverting.

Facebook: The founder of Facebook was Zuckerberg in February 2004 whilst he was studying at Harvard. Facebook has over 1,700 employees and offices in 12 countries. With users reaching a sky high 0f 600 million by the start of 2011 as seers may create a personal profile, add other users as friends and exchange messages, including automatic notifications when they update their profile. Additionally, users may join common interest user groups, organized by workplace, school, or college, or other characteristics. Mark Zuckerberg owns 24% of the company share, Accel Partners owns 10%, Digital Sky Technologies owns 10%, Dustin Moskovitz owns 6%, Eduardo Saverin owns 5%, Sean Parker owns 4%, Peter Thiel owns 3%, Greylock Partners and Meritech Capital Partners own between 1 to 2% each, Microsoft owns 1.3%, Li Ka-shing owns 0.75%, the Interpublic Group owns less than 0.5%, a small group of current and former employees and celebrities own less than 1% each, celebrity's such as Matt Cohler, Jeff Rothschild, Adam D'Angelo, Chris Hughes, and Owen Van Natta, while Reid Hoffman and Mark Pincus have sizable holdings of the company, and the remaining 30% or so are owned by employees, an undisclosed number of celebrities, and outside investors. Most of their revenue comes from advertising as they don’t charge their customers.

Twitter was founded by:

Twitter was founded by Jack Dorsey in July 2006, soon after the setup twitter had over millions of users, Twitter is used by many celebrities who promote and advertise their materials, celebrities such as Rihanna, Kim kardashin, Katie price ect. Auden ice and fans also join twitter as it has a highly star appeal to it. To to days generations starts such as Justin Bieber have increased the amount of fans joining twitter as he appeals to the younger gradations between the ages of 12-16. As chief executive officer, Dorsey saw the start-up through two rounds of capital funding by the venture capitalists who backed the company up and help to set twitter up. Williams took over the role of CEO, and Dorsey became chairman of the board. On October 4, 2010, Williams announced that he was stepping down as CEO. Dick Costolo, formerly Twitters chief operating officer, became CEO. Twitter currently Have more than 340 employees and this amount is growing.

In order to expand their insinuation, Microsoft has developed twitter micro-blogging service for business and advertising. The Research Office Talk, which is still not a finished product that Microsoft would find out, let’s use the benefits of “social media” in companies without the associated risks. This plan has been setup especially for the younger people in business so that they don’t miss out when working on the possibilities of Web 2.0 and Social Media. Many companies therefore make concessions, sometimes there are no clear rules. These involve social media offerings such as “Facebook” and “Twitter” risks to the safety of technical systems and trade secrets. About Social Media, information quickly with the wrong people divided, whether by accident or because of lack of awareness.


Myspace: ( the down fall)

MySpace was founded by: Tom Anderson in July 2003. MySpace was once used by thousands of teenagers, before the development of Facebook which as a result damaged the success of MySpace which only lived for a short amount; as a result MySpace lost a great deal of fans and user as Facebook offered a better service and more power for users to create their own profiles, share and exchange ideas ect.

According to sherly turkel there is no sign of anyone deleting or remove their profiles on social networking site: "Lets face it, i see no sign of anyone unplugging". this shows that then grow of social networking is not slowing down any time soon as more and more people join everyday. Myspace institution and the company become powerless after the growth of Facebook and Twitter.

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