Tuesday 8 February 2011

Case Study...#3

3. What impact has there been on how the media institution now has to produce the texts and the way in which the texts/products are distributed and exhibited?

Social networking site are constantly updating and upgrading their sites to keep up with the constant changes that take place due to development of technology and the rise in demand of change. This is aimed to make the sites easier for the users. The latest development are that Facebook, Twitter, myspcace and instant messaging can be accessed through the use of smart phone.

“30.8 percent of smart phone users accessed social networking sites via their mobile browser in January 2010”

“In January 2010, 25.1 million mobile users accessed Facebook via their mobile browser, up 112 percent from the previous year”

“MySpace attracted 11.4 million users”

This suggests that through the use of smart phones and new convergence such as iphone, ipad, blackberry ect , people are using their phones to accessed social networking sites and there has been a rise by 112% for Facebook users, this is implying that this type of convergence is popular amongst today’s audiences.

“Twitter, which has experienced tremendous growth in both mobile and PC-based visitation, attracted 4.7 million mobile users in January, up 347 percent versus year ago”.

According to statistics Facebook and Twitter have a much higher demand than Myspace as they are the most popular social networking sits. With Facebook having over 6oo million users at the start of January 2011 and Twitter with 190 million users. Whereas MySpace only has just a few thousands users. This clearly shows that Facebook and Twitter are the most used social networking sites. All the sites offer free signing up, which makes it more applying to the audience.

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