Tuesday 8 February 2011

Case Study...#2

2. What impact has there been on the way in which the audience now consume the media products/texts involved in your case study? How does it differ from what went before?

Everything is online!!!!
Audiences have more control over what they view and how they use social networking site whether its for promotion or personal use such as interacting with friends and family, as this allows the to share,exchange and gain knowledge about the latest news all over the world. Audince have more power over what they consume and what they don't.

"Technology has made information accessible to everyone irrespective of his location" By:Ernest Owusu-Dapaa

"Consumers are no longer passive but, they are active producers"

Social Media Revolution 2010:

In today’s generation and mediated culture, people have adapted the idea of becoming much more dependent on social networking sites and relying on the Internet for activities such as socializing, arranging meetings, business promotions ect which would have been done in person years ago, however everyone seems to be so busy with their lives these days, they don’t have the time to socialize face to face anymore and therefore find it easier to interact and contact others via networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, the dependency on the Internet had made is more accessible to use as it suits each individual’s life style. According to Sherry Turkle we are: “ Under the illusion of allowing us to communicate better, it is actually isolating us from real human interactions in a cyber- reality is a poor imitation of the real world”

Whilst Evgeny Morozov seems to think the more people use social networking get lazier and less reliable people will get. “Social media has bred a generation of "slacktivists". It has made people lazy and enshrined the illusion that clicking a mouse is a form of activism equal to real world donations of money and time". This emphasises on the negative impact social networking has on society and the young generation of today. This is suggested by ‘The online Sub- Life’ (Guardian) “ MySpace has been sucked into its own black hole recently, cutting 500 employees and admitting that they’re no longer battling binary codes with Facebook”.

This can also suggest that people are forgetting to communicate in the traditional way as websites and the reach engine can be accessed anywhere anytime suitable to the person and their needs, for example the Internet can be accessed on new smart phones, laptops, computers etc. As Marshall McLuhan said: "The future of the book is the blur", implying that because as technological advance people are less readying more newspapers and book like the old fashioned way. This has also had a big impact on how people communicate, “Traditional courtship has been negatively impacted via online dating by removing the element of conversation”. This clearly suggests that even though new and digital media has had a changing effect on how people use the Internet and social networking but it has its negative aspects on society as well.

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