Wednesday 9 February 2011

Case Study...#5

5. Who are the primary target audience now and has this changed? Who was it before and how do you know?

The primary audiences of facebook used to be university student, with 85% being collage students as the founder of Facebook made it to use for university uses without acknowledging that it will soon be used world wide and now it has changed massively, as more and more audiences are able to accuse and join social networking sites at the ages of 13+.

In the past the age range used to start roughly from 18-24 but now the age range has expanded and social networking g site users are increasing daily as more and more people are interacting and socializing through Facebook and Twitter rather than face to face which used to by the traditional way, now audiences can range from 13-50. The different types of applications appeal to different needs of the audiences. On average 6 hours or more is spend on Facebook per day compared to Japan who spend 2 hours and 50 mins. Twitter users also spend 4-5 hours per day, however the amount of time spend on social networking sites depends on the individuals needs and uses.

- Facebook:
Current users: 12-50
Originally users: 18-24
-The age restriction has become 13+ with parental permission.

Current users: Mostly celebrities and fans
Originally users: Ordinary people
-People now use twitter to follow celebrities and see what is new with them rather than keep up with friends.

Current Users: Mostly Music fans, new artists to promote themselves.
Original users: teenagers, interaction with friends
-Myspcae was the first social networking site, but now its more entertainment based, allowing people to download, share files and exchange music.

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